About Library

- About Library
- Library of the Delta Medical College came into being in 2008. Since its inception has acquired good number of medical books and journals consistent with the requirements of the medical students and teachers of all disciplines. It is considered one of the best medical libraries as far as the services and current collection are concerned.
- Location
- Library is located on the 7th floor of adjoining college building in approximately 2000 sft floor space.
- Objectives
- To implement, enrich, and support the educational programs of Delta Medical College.
- To support and facilitate the research, learning, teaching activities of the college, by organizing, maintaining and providing access to appropriate literature and information resources in such a way as to provide optimum benefit for library users.
- To provide an appropriate and comfortable environment, accommodation and facilities for the use of library resources.
- To provide and ensure quality services and good professional practice in library activities.
- Resources
- There are approximately 2000 books and 60 titles of medical journals on a variety of health topics in consonance with the requirement of medical studies.
- It also has an internet browsing station with 3 terminals to facilitate research and academic activities of students and faculty members.
- Registered Online Resources
- HINARI (Health Internetwork Access to Research Initiative): One of the world's largest full text online collections of biomedical literature consisting of 7,000 online research journals published by the leading publishers in the world. To access HINARI, please visit http://www.who.int/hinari/en/
- AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture): An outstanding digital library collection of 1278 journals in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences. To access AGORA please visit http://www.aginternetwork.org
- OARE (Online Access to Research in the Environment): A database of 2,990 online journals of environmental science, including biotechnology, biology, ecology, energy, geography, geology, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, urban planning, etc. To begin a OARE session, go to http://www.oaresciences.org
- Arrangement
- Computerized Winisis cataloguing (bibliographic) database is maintained in the library which enables the users to find books in multiple ways such as author, title and subject.
- Books are placed in open stacks for the convenience of users and for consultation. Library maintains open access shelves to give enough choices to users so that they can select desired library materials.
- Facilities
- It is fully air-conditioned with 70 individual carrel desks to ensure privacy during the study process. There is a separate reading room for the faculty members. It provides a quiet, comfortable, and peaceful environment for study.
- A library environment that is safe, welcoming, and offers a variety of comfortable spaces that will inspire learning, research and creativity.
- All staffs are approachable, helpful, knowledgeable, and courteous and take satisfaction in working for the library.
- Services
- Circulation service.
- Document supply.
- Reference service - the service is for answering questions and providing assistance regarding collections, services, and information sources available at the library.
- Library rules
- Faculty members/students who have membership card can use the library facilities.
- Users are not allowed to bring their personal belongings in the library. All members are required to leave their personal belongings (books, files, briefcases, handbags, and registers, etc.) at the entrance of the library (Personal Belonging Shelves).
- Users who disturb normal library environment and behave in an offensive manner, will be required to modify their behavior or to leave the library.
- Users must not write, underline or mark the library books. The library books are carefully examined on return and the borrower will be held responsible for defacing or damaging to, or loss of library book(s) in his/her possession.
- Complete silence should be observed inside the library except for the brief and subdued talk with the library staff at the circulation desk or in any other section of the library.
- Drinks & eatables are not allowed in the library.
- Mobile phone must be switched off before entering the library and use of mobile phone and smoking is strictly prohibited inside the library.
- Sleeping/hot talk/un-necessary discussion/loud voice/disturbance/foot on tables & chairs/ unbalanced talk, with colleagues / are not allowed in the library.
- Students are entitled to check out books for reading only within the library. They are not allowed to take books at home.
- Faculty members are entitled to check out 2 books (excluding text reference books and general reference books) for a period as follows:
- Professors/Deans/Consultants/Associate Professors/Assistant Professors - 7 days only.
- Lecturers/Research Associates/Teaching Assistants - To be returned same day within office time.
- The borrowed books will be renewed for a period as mentioned above, if the desired book/books has/have not been reserved for another user. Overdue books will not be reissued.
- In case of loss of book(s), five times the market price of the lost books be charged, or out of print titles, the amount equal to three times the original purchase price of the book(s) will be charged.
- The In-Charge of the library has the authority to immediately stop the issuance or discontinue the reading rooms facility for the defaulters.
- While using the Browsing Station, please consult the In-Charge of the library for any assistance.
- If accidentally mislay a book and cannot find it after thorough search, report the matter to the Circulation Desk immediately to avoid the undue fine.
- Mutilation of library material is a matter of disciplinary action, however, books accidentally damaged should be reported promptly so that suitable assessment may be made and damages paid.
- In case, a book is urgently required, the In-Charge of the library may recall it at a short notice any time and such a book shall be returned immediately by the borrower.
- Manpower
- At present 4 persons are working in the library
- 2 professionals and 2 non-professionals.
- Timings
- Saturday - Thursday: 8:00 AM to 8:30 PM.
- Friday: Holiday.